At the Range
What's going on at the PCFGA Range - See the Events page for more information about events for you to join!
All events noted "Spectators Welcome" require eye and ear protection past the parking lot. Rental events are not open to the public.
Useful Information
Do I have to be a member to participate?
For day to day use of the Range you must be a member or come as the guest of a member. For events such as Trap or Archery a membership is not required. All nonmembers must purchase the $5 Guest pass at every visit. For information about purchasing memberships please see our Membership page.
How often does Peace Country Fish & Game Association meet?
We meet monthly on the last Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Clubhouse. If you have any questions about the Range, the Association, or to make suggestions or volunteer your time this is the time and place to do it.
How do I join a meeting for the first time?
Come out to the Range and join us in the Clubhouse! You'll find that we are a friendly bunch and welcome newcomers! If you're an experienced shooter you'll meet many more. If you're new to the shooting sports or are interested in one of the Range activities that you're not familiar with we would be happy to give you a tour.